
Planting Bulbs in Fall: A Complete Gardener Guide!

by Philip Abell on Feb 07, 2024

Planting Bulbs in Fall

Fall is every gardener's dream come true! Isn’t it? It's the opportune time to lay the groundwork for a spectacular spring show, making the garden vibrant and colorful. Flowers like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses eagerly prepare to burst forth in the coming season. But how do you ensure they do? 

That's where we come in. We break down the process into simple steps and provide insights into the best bulbs for various climates. 

From selecting the best flowers and food bulbs to offering tips for a successful planting, this guide is tailored to make your gardening experience enjoyable and rewarding. So, let’s dig in!

When to Plant Bulbs in the Fall

Fall is the perfect time for gardeners to plan ahead for a burst of spring color. The ideal window for planting fall bulbs is when the soil temperature falls below 60°F, usually in late fall or about six weeks before a hard frost. 

The North typically plants bulbs in September and October, while the South does so in October and November. For the most accurate timing, check in with your local forest dates.

Bulbs to Plant by Zone in Fall

Bulbs to Plant by Zone in Fall

Areas With Cold Winters (Zones 1-7)

  • In colder climates, bulbs like Tulips and Daffodils can be planted directly in the ground. The chilling period during winter helps them develop into beautiful blooms come spring. 
  • Plant these bulbs as soon as the ground is cool, when evening temperatures range between 40°F - 50°F.

Areas With Warm Winters (Zones 8-11)

Warmer climates require a different approach. Pre-chill bulbs like Crocus and Tulips in a refrigerator before planting. Be cautious not to store bulbs near ripening fruit, as ethylene gas can harm them.

Once chilled, plant them during the coolest part of the year in your region.

Planting Bulbs in Fall: Step By Step Guide

  • Prepare Your Soil: Dig the soil to make it loose and workable, removing any debris. If it's a new garden bed, consider adding organic matter like compost.
  • Find the Right Spot: Plant bulbs where the soil drains well. Avoid areas prone to water collection, as "bulbs don't like wet feet."
  • Sunlight Requirements: Bulbs thrive in full sun, especially those blooming in early to mid-spring.
  • Planting Depths: Dig holes at recommended depths, as per the bulb label. Place bulbs with the pointy side up and roots down.
  • Group Planting: For maximum impact, plant bulbs in clusters rather than individually. Back-fill the soil gently to encourage root growth.
  • Watering: Water once at planting time to fill any air pockets and stimulate root growth. No need to water over winter unless you're in an arid climate.

What are the Best Bulbs to Plant in Fall?

What are the Best Bulbs to Plant in Fall?

To make sure that your seeds grow, sow the best bulbs to plant in fall: 

Flower Bulbs to Plant in Fall

  • Tulips
  • Daffodils
  • Crocus
  • Hyacinths
  • Snowdrops

Food Bulbs to Plant in Fall

Bulbs to Plant in Fall (Other Season Bulbs)

Listed below are the best other seasonal bulbs you can plant in fall:

Perennial Bulbs to Plant in Fall

  • Irises

Spring Bulbs to Plant in Fall

  • Gladiolus
  • Lilies

Tips for Planting Bulbs in Fall

Tips for Planting Bulbs in Fall
  • Labeling: Keep labels with your bulbs until planting to avoid confusion.
  • Planting Depth: Follow recommended depths for each bulb variety.
  • Bulb Orientation: Plant bulbs with the pointy side up; if unsure, plant on their side.
  • Grouping: Plant bulbs in clusters for a more impactful display.

How to Take Care of Fall Bulbs: Tips

How to Take Care of Fall Bulbs
  • Fertilizing: For bulbs intended to naturalize, spread organic fertilizer after blooming.
  • Pruning: Cut flower heads after blooming, but leave foliage for nutrient storage.

  • Watering: Deeply water after planting and before the ground freezes, and resume in spring once buds appear.

Read More Blogs Here:


Planting fall bulbs sets the stage for a vibrant spring garden. Whether you're in a cold or warm climate, follow these guidelines to ensure a successful and colorful bloom. With proper care, your bulbs can thrive and become a delightful part of your garden landscape.


  • Can I plant gladiolus bulbs in the fall?
  • Gladiolus bulbs are typically planted in the spring for summer blooms.

  • Can you plant fall bulbs in spring?
  • Fall bulbs should be planted in the fall to undergo the chilling period required for spring blooms.

  • Do you water bulbs after planting in the fall?
  • Water bulbs after planting to settle the soil and stimulate root growth. Water sparingly over winter, resuming in spring as buds appear.

  • How deep to plant bulbs in the fall?
  • Plant bulbs at a depth of three times the width of the bulb, following specific recommendations for each variety. Refer to our planting guide for accurate depths.

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